Please follow the steps below to setup StreamNow via YouTube and use the CaptureCast unit to stream to YouTube.
- Go to and login if necessary. By default YouTube will load up into their Stream (Beta) page. As of 04/12/2019 we will be instructing you to still use the original methods. On the lower right hand corner click on the Classic Live Streaming option
- Under Basic Info give your Stream a interesting name.
- Select your Category and Privacy preference.
- Additionally you can go into the Stream Options tab and make Stream Optimizations adjustments there if needed.
- Scroll down to the Encoder Setup section.
- You will need to copy the Service URL and the Stream name/key over to the Cattura CaptureCast live stream form.
- Click the Reveal button to show the stream name/key.
- Login to your CaptureCast UI and go to Templates page.
- Here you'll need to either Edit an existing Template or Create a new Template then move onto step 3 of this section.
- Edit an existing Template: Hover on the More Options button and select Edit. You can click on Step 5 Live Streaming on the left pane.
- Creating a new Template: Click on the +Add template button. You will need to complete steps 1-4 in our template creation wizard before you can configure Live streaming.
- Select YouTube from the list to open up the configuration form.
- Input: Select which video input you would like to stream out.
- Primary or backup URL: Refer to the information from Step 3 in the YouTube section above to fill in the following fields.
- Stream name: Refer to the information from Step 3 in the YouTube section above to fill in the following fields..
- Preset: A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio. A slower preset will provide better compression (compression is quality per filesize). This means that, for constant quality encoding, you will save bitrate by choosing a slower preset. Using a slower preset will increase CPU resources and could impact performance. The available presets in descending order of speed are: ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium and slow. We recommend you use preset of fast and above. Most customers find that ultrafast meets their needs.
- Tune: You can apply a tune preset to your video source to match a specific type of media.
- film: Use for high quality movie content. Lowers deblocking.
- animation: Good for cartoons. Uses higher deblocking and more reference frames.
- grain: Preserves the grain structure in old, grainy film material.
- stillimage: Good for slideshow-like content.
- fastdecode: Allows faster decoding by disabling certain filters.
- zerolatency: Good for fast encoding and low-latency streaming.
- psnr: This tune can be ignored as it is only used for codec development.
- ssim: This tune can be ignored as it is only used for codec development.
- Rate Control:
- Variable Bitrate (VBR): By default our system will use this rate control. VBR works by attempting to target the optimal bitrate for the content being received.
- Bitrate (kbps): You can set a value here that you want our system to target.
- Keyframe Interval (# keyframes = keyframe interval / fps): This value determines how often a keyframe is generated during a capture session. Most customers will use the value of 250.
- Constant Rate Factor (CRF): Unlike Variable Bitrate (VBR) this rate control targets a quality level instead of optimal bitrate.
- Keyframe Interval (# keyframes = keyframe interval / fps): This value determines how often a keyframe is generated during a capture session. Most customers will use the value of 250.
- Constant Rate Factor (0=lossless, 18=ideal max, 23=default, 28=ideal min, 51=worst): Ideally you want to set your CRF between 18 and 28. The lower the CRF the bigger the file-size will become and vise-versa.
- Variable Bitrate (VBR): By default our system will use this rate control. VBR works by attempting to target the optimal bitrate for the content being received.
- Now go back to your YouTube Stream Now page The page should auto-refresh on its own to indicate the stream health and if you are receiving content. Once YouTube is ready it will go Live automatically for you.
- NOTE: You can scroll down on the page and on the bottom right hand corner is the Share section where you send out a standalone link to view the live stream and also share it among your social media sites etc.
- NOTE: You can scroll down on the page and on the bottom right hand corner is the Share section where you send out a standalone link to view the live stream and also share it among your social media sites etc.