A Template is a set of instructions to tell the CaptureCast software what to record, how to record, and where to publish. By creating a template, you are preparing a list of settings that will apply to each recording for which you use that specific template. This includes video/audio sources, canvas configuration, publishing/streaming endpoints, and enrichment options.
NOTE: Without a template you will not be able to start a recording.
- Template Details
- Template Name: Give your template a unique name. (example: class name, teacher, event name, event type, etc)
- Template Description: Entering a description is optional but may help differentiate between other similar templates.
- Input/Output
- Audio Device: Select your default audio source. This audio will be used for each discrete video in the session, as well as the canvas, unless otherwise specified.
- Video Devices:
- Select 1 or more video sources to record.
- Click the cogwheel button
to the right of each video source to adjust other advanced settings.
- Size: Sizes populated in the list will be the same as the source. So if you are sending a 16:9 video signal to our unit only 16:9 ratios will be listed to keep the video aspect ratio intact and avoid any distortion.
- FPS: Framerate will be set to 30 by default. You can adjust the slider to change.
- Set as Primary Output: Enable this option if you want this specific video source to be your primary/first/default video. Depending the publisher that you are using, this would become the first video to appear in a multi-source video player.
- Preset: A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio. A slower preset will provide better compression (compression is quality per filesize). This means that, for constant quality encoding, you will save bitrate by choosing a slower preset. Using a slower preset will increase CPU resources and could impact performance. The available presets in descending order of speed are: ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium and slow. We recommend you use preset of fast and above. Most customers find that ultrafast meets their needs.
- Tune: You can apply a tune preset to your video source to match a specific type of media.
- film: Use for high quality movie content. Lowers deblocking.
- animation: Good for cartoons. Uses higher deblocking and more reference frames.
- grain: Preserves the grain structure in old, grainy film material.
- stillimage: Good for slideshow-like content.
- fastdecode: Allows faster decoding by disabling certain filters.
- zerolatency: Good for fast encoding and low-latency streaming.
- psnr: This tune can be ignored as it is only used for codec development
- ssim: This tune can be ignored as it is only used for codec development
- Rate Control:
- Variable Bitrate (VBR): By default our system will use this rate control. VBR works by attempting to target the optimal bitrate for the content being received.
- Bitrate (kbps): You can set a value here that you want our system to target.
- Keyframe Interval (# keyframes = keyframe interval / fps): This value determines how often a keyframe is generated during a capture session. Most customers will use the value of 250.
- Constant Rate Factor (CRF): Unlike Variable Bitrate (VBR) this rate control targets a quality level instead of optimal bitrate.
- Keyframe Interval (# keyframes = keyframe interval / fps): This value determines how often a keyframe is generated during a capture session. Most customers will use the value of 250.
- Constant Rate Factor (0=lossless, 18=ideal max, 23=default, 28=ideal min, 51=worst): Ideally you want to set your CRF between 18 and 28. The lower the CRF the bigger the file-size will become and vise-versa.
- Variable Bitrate (VBR): By default our system will use this rate control. VBR works by attempting to target the optimal bitrate for the content being received.
- Media Canvas
Consider this to be your primary video source unless otherwise specified in Step 2 in this wizard. The media canvas can be used to merge one or more video inputs into a single video for your recorded session or live stream. These video inputs can be scaled and layered to meet customer preference.- Size: Adjust your canvas to whatever resolution you like for the output video file.
- Background: Adjust the background color of your canvas to your preference. Background color will only be visible if nothing is layered over it.
- NOTE: The background color palette will display differently depending on what operating system you are using (Linux, Mac or Windows).
- Devices: Click on the devices icon to list the available video devices for use. In the following example, I have four video devices, I'll select all four of them and click DONE. All of the selected video devices will populate in the media canvas in full screen and layered over each other.
- Video Device Properties: Click on any of the videos in the canvas to display the individual settings. You can change the resolution of the input, manually adjust the size and change the layering.
- Encoding: This section is identical to Step 2 Input/Output of the Template Creation process above. Refer to that section for an explanation of these settings/options.
- Publishing
Recordings will automatically save to local storage. For server or cloud publishing select and configure one or more of the available options. Live Streaming options will be configured in the next step. Click on any of the options to open up the configuration form pane. Once you have entered the information required click Save and go to the next step. - Live streaming
Select and configure one or more of the available streaming service options. Just like the Publishing step above click on any of the options to open up the configuration form pane. Fill in the required authentication information and Save.
NOTE: If you only want to Live stream and do not want to save a local copy deselect the Save Backup Recording option. - Enrichment
Slide Change Detection is primarily used to capture on-screen text within a slideshow. It will give you the ability to create thumbnails, chapter points (cue points), setup a rate limit and enable Slide Text Extraction to read any on-screen text and convert it into a Machine-Readable text file to be used for search functions with specific web hosting companies (i.e. Kaltura). More information about limitation settings can be seen on this page. - Summary
Review all of your chosen options and ensure they are correct. Once you are satisfied with the setup of your template, click Save, and it will be ready to be used for all future recordings.